Wednesday 17 June 2009

Beginning a journey

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” - Maria Robinson

I am starting out on a new journey to follow my passion. Grandiose words you may say; however I believe more people should fulfil their dreams.

I come from having a very successful career in IT, climbing the corporate ladder, only to find that, for me, it was not fulfilling. Having stepped off the ladder – a big step in itself – the questions were “So what do I want to do?”, “What will fulfil me?”

Answering those questions has taken sometime. Some people say they’ve got to a cross-roads and struggle to know which way to go; I’d got to the end of a track wondering where the cross-roads had disappeared to! To continue the analogy, I wandered for sometime, trying to find other paths. I then did an exercise with someone which helped me look back over all the episodes and events in my past and examine what had given me fulfilment, what had elated me. The process distilled all of those feelings and experiences down into two words: Discovering Strength. I had felt most alive when discovering strength within myself that I didn’t know I had; however more importantly I also felt elated when I’d helped others find strength in themselves, to enable them to live better and fuller lives.

So I knew my passion; however it took me a little while longer to find the path.

I have now just started on the journey to becoming an accredited Corporate & Executive Coach with The Coaching Academy and I shall share the journey with you in this blog.